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School Information

Discover everything you need to know about Academie Da Vinci in one place. From Before and After Care details to uniform guidelines, access essential information easily. Explore sections on the student handbook, school lunches, and more to ensure a smooth and informed school experience for your child.

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We aim to offer a safe, engaging environment for your child outside of regular school hours. Starting at 7 AM before school and continuing until 6 PM after school, we ensure your child is cared for and occupied with enriching activities. Spaces are limited and popular, so please contact Ava Kazee, our program coordinator, for availability and registration details. Join us in providing a seamless, supportive experience for your child throughout the day.
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We offer a range of clubs and sports programs, encouraging students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. From the teamwork-driven excitement of girls' volleyball and boys' flag football to diverse clubs that nurture creativity and curiosity, our extracurricular activities are designed to foster personal growth and camaraderie. Engage, learn, and grow with us through these wonderful opportunities.
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Dress to impress and adhere to our school's dress code. We require students to wear specific uniforms to promote a positive learning environment and reduce distractions. From navy blue, red, or light blue polo shirts with the school logo to knee-length khaki or navy bottoms, our dress code is designed for comfort and uniformity. For more details on the complete dress code and to purchase uniforms, visit our dedicated page.
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Your comprehensive guide to all things Academie Da Vinci. Our Student Handbook is an essential resource for students and parents alike, detailing our policies, procedures, and school norms. It's a valuable tool to understand expectations and ensure a successful academic year. Whether it's academic guidelines or behavioral standards, the handbook provides clarity and direction for our school community.
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We offer a nutritious school lunch program. Breakfast is free for all students, while lunch costs $2.25 per day, with free or reduced-price options available for qualifying families. Families can apply for these options online. Payments for lunches can be made through an online account, which also allows parents to view meal activity and manage funds. Specific lunch times are designated for each grade level group.
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Get ready for a successful school year with the right supplies! At Academie Da Vinci, we provide a list of necessary items to support your child's learning journey. From essential stationery to specific classroom materials, our supply list ensures students are well-prepared for their academic tasks. Check out the full list to make sure your child has everything they need for a productive and organized school experience.
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Donate & Support Us

Your generous contributions make a big difference at Academie Da Vinci! Donations directly enhance our educational programs, facilities, and extracurricular activities. By supporting us, you help:

Every donation, no matter how big or small, contributes to the continued success and growth of our students and school community.

Become A Volunteer

Join our dedicated team of volunteers at Academie Da Vinci and make a meaningful impact. As a volunteer, you contribute to the vibrant educational experience we offer. Here are three key reasons to volunteer:

We expect families to donate a minimum of 20 hours yearly to the school. There are diverse opportunities to get involved, from assisting in classrooms to participating in PTO events.

  • Pursuant to School Policy, volunteers who have unsupervised contact with students must be Level 2 screened.
  • All volunteers who are scheduled to attend fieldtrips as chaperones must be Level 2 screened.
  • All Volunteers that are field trip drivers must also be Level 2 screened.
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Frequently Asked Questions

You can buy the school uniform online at French Toast.

Yes, Academie Da Vinci has a specific dress code for dance classes. For K-3 and 4-5 classes, boys need a black t-shirt and black pants or shorts with black slip-on leather jazz shoes. 


Girls require a black short or long-sleeved solid top with black ankle or capri-length leggings and tan (K-3) or black (4-5) slip-on leather jazz shoes. In elective dance, girls need canvas ballet shoes and half ballet shoes (turners). 


Hair must be securely styled to keep it off the face.

We offer these clubs at the moment:  art, A/V, media, volleyball, flag football, sign language club, and more.

To order breakfast or lunch for your child, use the Lunch Order Form available on the Academie Da Vinci website or from the front desk at the school.


This form must be submitted weekly by Monday morning at 9:00 am. Breakfast is free for all students, while hot lunch costs $2.25.


Payment for lunch can be made online at


Remember, accurate ordering is crucial as non-taken lunches incur extra costs for the school.

To volunteer at Academie Da Vinci, parents must complete a background check, which is a requirement for any level of volunteering.


Specific roles include assisting in various school activities, like car circles, field trips, and PTO events.


For field trips, a Level II background screening is required for those who will drive students or work with them without staff supervision.


The school follows procedures established by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for these checks.

The Before and After Care program at Academie Da Vinci has a one-time registration fee of $35. This fee is required along with the completed registration forms.

Enroll Your Child!

Use our easy online application process to enroll your child to one of the best charters schools in Dunedin, Florida.

Name of Donor
Email of Donor
Select Subject*
Select Grade*
Select Teacher*

Absence Notification

Please note, if your child has been absent from school for 3 or more consecutive days:

  • Three or more consecutive absences require a doctor’s note or other documentation.
  • This form & accompanying documentation below must be received within 2 days of the student’s return to school to help school officials determine the excuse/unexcused status of the absence(s).
  • Please keep a copy of all forms/documentation in the event it may be requested if a student has accumulated 3 or more absences in a semester course or 10 or more absences in an annual course.

In an effort to standardize attendance procedures to review school absences, no other letters/forms will be accepted.