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School Information

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School Operating Hours

8:30 – 3:00 for Kindergarten, First and Second Grades.


8:30am – 3:15pm Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade.


Middle School hours are 9am-3:50pm.


The school office is open from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. Monday – Friday.

School Size & Programs

At Academie Da Vinci, we take pride in our diverse student body, with approximately 350 students enrolled from kindergarten through eighth grade. With two classes per grade level, our school community thrives on collaboration, creativity, and academic excellence. 

Our dedicated faculty members are certified by the State of Florida and are committed to staying current with the latest developments in education through ongoing professional development. They are readily available to parents for meetings and conferences throughout the school year, fostering strong partnerships between home and school to support student success. 

One of the hallmarks of our curriculum is the emphasis on providing a well-rounded education that nurtures the talents and interests of every student. From kindergarten through eighth grade, all students can explore a variety of elective subjects, including art, music, dance, and physical education. Additionally, our fourth through eighth-grade students benefit from participation in technology classes, preparing them for the demands of 21st-century learning. 

At ADV, we believe in the transformative power of the arts, which is why we offer multiple opportunities for students to showcase their talents throughout the year. Whether it’s through art exhibitions, musical performances, dance recitals, or theater productions, all students have the chance to participate in our vibrant arts program, enriching their educational experience and fostering a lifelong appreciation for the arts. 

Overall, Academie Da Vinci is committed to providing a supportive and enriching learning environment where every student can thrive academically, artistically, and socially. 


School Grade & Performance

The Florida Department of Education assigns a grade to each school, each academic year based on several factors: students’ performance on the state FCAT tests, adequate yearly progress, attendance, and other factors.

Academie Da Vinci Grades:

  • 2023-2024: A
  • 2022-2023: A
  • 2021-2022: B
  • 2020-2021: A
  • 2019-2020: A
  • 2018-2019: A
  • 2017-2018: A

Current Strategic Plan

Take a look at our strategic plan for Academie Da Vinci. This will help to highlight our Vision, Mission, Beliefs, and Goals.

Elementary School Arrival

  • Daily arrival time is between 8:15 am and 8:29 am.  School starts promptly at 8:30am.
  • Students arriving before 8:15 must remain in their family car until welcomed in by the staff at 8:15 or report to the Before and After Care (BAC) and pay for those services.
  • When arriving at 8:15 am or later, students will be helped from their car by staff or safety patrol.  Only school staff may open car doors.  As students move from the car, they will be escorted by the car circle staff to the sidewalk.  From there, each student will go directly to the school cafeteria — the supervised gathering area until they report to their classroom at 8:30.
  • Each student MUST wait for a staff member to open the car door.  Parents/children do NOT open doors or exit vehicles in the car circle.
  • Cars entering the car circle MUST enter from the north entrance and follow the path illustrated below:
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Elementary School Dismissal

  • Kindergartners through Second Graders will be dismissed at 3:00pm
  • Third Graders through Fifth Graders will be dismissed at 3:15pm.  Parents of 3rd through 5th graders arriving before 3:00 will be asked to leave the car circle and return at the correct time. Parents with children in both age groups (younger and older pickups) should plan to arrive during at 3:15.
  • No one, including parents, are allowed to enter classrooms or be on campus after school unless they have an appointment and sign in through the office.
  • Students will be released only to their legal guardians or those individuals listed on the emergency contact form.  We insist families keep that data up to date.
  • As parents arrive in the car circle for pickup, children will be escorted to their car by the teacher on duty.  PARENTS MUST REMAIN IN THEIR CARS!
  • Only students supervised by staff in an after-school activity are to be on school grounds after school hours.
  • All students who have not been picked up by 3:30pm will be sent to the afternoon After Care (BAC).  The family must then make arrangements to pay the BAC staff for the time their child was supervised.  Delays by parents at pickup time can be quite stressful for young children; knowing as soon as possible that they should report to the BAC makes the afternoon more routine and predictable for the child.  Delayed parents should call the school as soon as possible and request their child be sent to BAC.
  • Students scheduled for the afternoon BAC MUST report there immediately at dismissal and be counted in roll call.
  • If a student is going home with another family, the office MUST BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING no later than the morning of the pickup day.  Be sure to include the name of the pickup person and please date the permission note.
  • Car Circle Rules (Elementary):
    • Each student MUST wait for a staff person, safety patrol student or a parent who is helping with car duty to open the car door. Parents/children do NOT open doors or exit vehicles in the car circle. Each family will receive two car placards at the beginning of the school year. Car placards MUST be used. Cars without placards will be asked to park and come into the building to pick up their child.

Middle School Arrival and Dismissal

  • Drop off begins at 8:45am. Car circle will form in front of the north building. Staff will be assigned to supervise drop off. Students will enter the school and go to their locker then their home room class. Class begins promptly at 9am.
  • Dismissal is at 3:50 pm. Car circle to form in front of the north building. Staff will be assigned to supervise dismissal. Students not picked up by 4pm will be brought to BAC, parents will be charged. Students participating in an after-school club will be escorted to their club.
  • Late arrival: all middle school students arriving after 9am must be brought in by a parent into the south building and obtain a tardy pass and be escorted to the north building.
  • Car Circle Rules (Middle School): Students may exit their vehicle independently and should cross in front. Teachers will monitor students as they exit vehicles and assist, as needed. Parents do NOT exit vehicles in the car circle. Each family will receive two car tags at the beginning of the school year. Car tags MUST be used. Cars without tags will be asked to park.
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Child Abuse & Neglect Policy


Child abuse and neglect prevention are designed to ensure that all students will engage in student learning while living in safe home and school environments.


All ACADEMIE DA VINCI CHARTER SCHOOL employees are required by law to report any suspected case of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as well as alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student.


Every staff member is responsible for reporting all cases of suspected abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families. Any teacher contacting Florida DCF must inform the administration of the appropriate follow-up. Any abuse involving a staff member will be reported to the administration and the ACADEMIE DA VINCI CHARTER SCHOOL Board of Directors. Staff members are to report cases to Florida DCF at 1-800-96-ABUSE.



Absence Notification

Please note, if your child has been absent from school for 3 or more consecutive days:

  • Three or more consecutive absences require a doctor’s note or other documentation.
  • This form & accompanying documentation below must be received within 2 days of the student’s return to school to help school officials determine the excuse/unexcused status of the absence(s).
  • Please keep a copy of all forms/documentation in the event it may be requested if a student has accumulated 3 or more absences in a semester course or 10 or more absences in an annual course.

In an effort to standardize attendance procedures to review school absences, no other letters/forms will be accepted.